Friday, February 2, 2018

The Encouragement of Eternal Life

Introduction: We were given an assignment to give a word of encouragement on a particular truth of scripture; to encourage a brother or sister in Christ on the truths of that topic, and how setting our eyes on Jesus bring joy. It was such a wonderful assignment for me, for as I wrote, I was being encouraged by the truths of scripture. I hope this too may bring you encouragement!

Encouraging others with the Truth of Eternal Life (Romans 6:23)
Assignment: Why does this subject matter, matter?
Romans 6:23
'For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.'

Today, if you're struggling with a lack of joy; if discouragement racks your soul;if you're burdened from the hardships you're experiencing; if you're anxious for the things that lie ahead, I urge you  brethren to remember with me the truth in the hope of eternal life (Titus 1).
Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.' (Psalm 73)
Is the weight of sin, weighing you down? Why, oh soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed?
Remember the hope we have in God, join me in the praise of Him, our Savior and
our God (Psalm 42:5). The hope of eternal life means that death will be destroyed forever.
Our Savior will wipe away the tears from every face and remove His people’s
disgrace (Isaiah 25). How I yearn for the day when I am free from that disgrace, that sin - the
day of eternal life. Rejoice with me now brother, that we will be changed from the corruptible
and clothed with incorruptibility (1 Cor. 15)!  Death will be swallowed up in victory through
the blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ - Thanks be to God who has given us victory over death
in Jesus Christ our Lord. OH! At that time there shall be sin shall be no more, “there shall be
no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it.”

Today we groan inwardly, waiting for that adoption, but remember with me brother, the
sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be
revealed in us (Rom. 8). While now we see dimly, we will then see face to face, and while now
we know in part; we shall then know fully, even as we have been fully known by the maker of
all things (1 Corinthian 15). Oh to dwell on the truth that at that time we shall see His face!

Grudem writes in his Systematic Theology, “But more important than all the physical beauty of the
heavenly city, more important than the fellowship we will enjoy eternally with all God’s people from
all nations and all periods of history, more important than our freedom from pain and sorrow and
physical suffering, and more important than reigning over God’s kingdom - more important by far
than any of those these will be the fact that we will be in the presences of God and enjoying
unhindered fellowship with him (Revelation 21:3-4).”

Oh what love was poured out through Christ in his free gift towards us for eternal life!

Lyrics From the last verse of “Never Cease to Praise”  
When that day arrives, and the race is won, When our griefs give way to deliverance.
We will fully know as we’re fully known, All our groans will end as new songs begin.
And a multitude from every tribe and tongue,   
Wearing robes of white, will stand before Your throne,  
And our hearts will be so consumed by You That we never cease to praise!

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