Friday, June 8, 2012

Updates on my First whole day

"Thank you for this opportunity to be a part of what you're doing ... Amen." 
Joel, director of School of Promise, prayed that today before we got started on an extremely informative day, and I wanted to write it down - to be just a part of what God is doing is an amazing gift, and I am so thankful I can serve Him this way.  
My sister sent me to Thailand with a "care package" that was actually an envelope with strips of paper containing bible verses on one side, and a two to three word interpretation of what it meant to me on the other.  Today I pulled out a strip that had Hebrews 13:1-3, and she told me to have "Crazy Love." Being part of what God is doing involves, at all times, showing crazy love.  Love when you don't feel like it, or don't want to, because what it comes down to is that Christ first loved us.  When I look at that passage though, I see verse 1 asking to love with brotherly affection, but verses 2 and 3 have a slightly different feel, as we are to love people we don't know, and those in prison/mistreated.  So I'm in Thailand, and I'm surrounded by people I don't know, who are all imprisoned in their flesh.  Therefore I must love. 

Some details about today.  I woke up at around 5am (which is easier that it sounds due to jet lag, but lets see if I can keep it up) to have devotions and get ready because at 6:45 the School of Promise Bus came to pick me up (first to be picked up, last to be dropped off on the route).  We arrived in time to have morning prayer, and then Sarah, Caleb and myself went with Joel to hear a little about what is expected of the summer.  Sarah and Caleb are two new teachers that have different missionary callings with their respective husband and wife and it has been really interesting talking to them, hearing what they want to do, and hearing these different missionary opportunities! I have no clue where the Lord is leading me in regards to missions, but I know He is preparing my heart for it, and if I am to be this "pilgrim" my only objective is to follow where He leads.  For this summer, flexibility is a virtue, and honestly I think that will be something that I need to learn for life. 
So I learned a little of what I'll be doing in regards to helping the teachers, and even helping with Monday/Wednesday club days. School of Promise is actually a private Christian school here in Thailand, contrary to what I believed, but since it is for Thai students, they must cooperate with certain Thai standards.  The school is currently working on creating a historical curriculum that incorporates bible stories into the lessons. I learned other things about the school too; its goals and ideas.  Then we went to meet with another Caleb who is the coordinator of the interns for the FCF (Family Connection Foundation) - basically this is the organization in which I came through, and they are affiliated with many different missions around Chiangmai, getting people like me connected, and Caleb gave me a phone for easy contact.
Today was very logistical, but it made me really get excited for what is to come through conversations with different people, creating ideas of where the Lord may be leading me. 


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